Pablo Picasso, Malaga was his birthplace (1881-1973)

A young Picasso.

1894-95. Women and Men.

1906, Fernande with Mantilla.

Cubism 1907, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.

1914, metal absinthe spoon. Painted bronze.

1923, Portrait of Olga.

1938, Still Life with Minotaur and Palette.

1937, Dream and Lie of Franco.

1948, Bust of a Women.

1946, Women in an Armchair (Francoise Gilot).

1936, Woman with Raised Arms.

1952, Owl. Fired white clay, painted and partially glazed.

1941-43,Cat. Plaster with patina and wood.

1942, Head of a Bull. Made from a bicycle seat and handlebars.

1971, Head of a Man.