Condor Glacier and Penguins.

In the afternoon we visit Condor Glacier while remaining in our Zodiacs.

Angeles talking right before we take turns taking photos in front of Condor Glacier.

Our photo op!

Our group!

Rock cormorants.

Waterfalls abound in this area.

Zodiac ride back to our ship after seeing Condor Glacier.

A nice rainbow.

Happy hour before auction of the chart. Cheers!

Course map of our 4 days on the ship is auctioned off to a gentlemen from Cleveland for $1,000.00 dollars which was split amongst the staff and crew.

Our dinner seating.

Our waiter Sebastian. Ben had asked for a dark beer on our first night and he said they didn't have any but thereafter he had one for Ben. Linda complimented a wine we had and he brought over an unopened bottle for her.

Mar 4

Leaving for Magdalena Island.

The sun is coming up behind our ship.

On Magdalena Island. Home to penguins. A lot of them had already headed north getting ready for colder weather.

A 360 degree video shortly after landing.

A pair grooming themselves.

Honking penguins.

Some home maintenance with the neighbors checking on the work....and more honking.

Two penguins crossing the path.

Catching some early morning rays.

Hello little buddy. You had to stay at least one meter away from the penguins.

Close up of a honking penguin.

To the sea.

Penguins have no vocal cords that's why they make the honking sound.

A wild zodiac ride back to our ship.

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