
We took a second class train from Rome to Foligno then a 10 minute train ride to Santa Maria del Angeli where we got a bus for the short trip to Assisi stopping at the Piazza Matteotti following the Rick Steve's guide.

Assisi sits on top of the hill in the distance.

Looking back down the hill

We stayed at the Hotel Ideale May 9. On the hotel patio facing the hotel.

A typical street in Assisi. We did a self guided walking tour of the town.

A water source that still comes from the old aquaducts.

The Cathedral of San Rufino where St. Francis and St. Clare were baptized.

A martyr being consumed by a lion.

The baptismal font.

St. Clare

St. Francis

St. Clares church

St. Francis church. We went into the crypt where St. Francis is entombed. A steady stream of people were coming through.

That evening we went into a small restaurant recommended by Tripadvisor called Ristorante degli Orti. There were no other customers just the staff outside smoking so we were a bit apprehensive. We went ahead and set down and had there set meal, 1/2 liter of wine and sparkling water. My egg omlet served in a bowl was excellent. Coffee was included in the price but our server offered to substitue a lemon sorbet instead. We had the sorbet and considered it a very good choice.

The next morning we ate breakfast at the hotel (10 euros each) and then got the bus down the hill to the train.

  • Back to Italy 2019.